Raise funds from your used watch

If you are looking to sell your used watch in Florida, then you have come to the right place. At Florida Pawn, we are experts in handling used jewelry and we will pay the most for your items, so you know you’ll get a great deal.
Watches are highly desirable items even though we always have a mobile displaying the time or multiple devices and clocks around us. Watches really are timeless pieces that are a statement about our style and even wealth which is why they are still popular today. Whether you have an old watch, newer model, inherited a watch or have a designer watch we can offer you a deal to help you raise funds from it.
What do we look for in used watches?
There are many things to look for in a watch when we appraise its value as it is based on so many factors. This is why we advise our customers to visit one of our stores to let us do a full appraisal of the watch and see what the watch is worth. We will be looking for:
- The make and model of the watch
- The materials it is made from
- Whether it is a genuine watch or a counterfeit
- The appearance and any damage or scratches
There is a huge market for counterfeit watches as the demand for luxury watches is high, which is why we conduct such thorough inspections. We will be checking the authenticity by examining the materials, finishing, engraving, serial numbers, weight, movement and sound of the watch as these are all indicators of its authenticity. Our staff are trained to assess designer watches and what to look for.
But your watch doesn’t have to be a high-end designer watch as we accept a wide range of watch brands. The value of the watch will largely depend on the make of the watch, its condition, and its current desirability. Like many things, fashion changes and the popularity of some brands can shift too so we will give you a current valuation of the watch.
Sell your used watch or pawn your used watch?
Often watches can hold sentimental value to the owner and therefore you may not want to be permanently parted from it. That is why we provide our customers with the option of pawning their watches as it can provide a great source of raising funds quickly whilst you earn the money to reclaim it.
If you want to pawn your used watch, we will do a thorough appraisal and make you a fair offer for a loan with a term length. You can reclaim the watch at any time during the loan term by repaying the loan amount plus the interest agreed. If you are unable to repay the loan at the end of the loan term, you should contact us as we may be able to offer you a loan extension if you can repay the interest.